Selling and Sales Management
New to this edition: Integration of recent cutting-edge research into chapters throughout the book. Fully updated coverage of technological applications in selling and sales management.
Wendy Connick, 'Why Lead Generation is Critical to the Sales Process' (December 8, 2018), ... used artificial intelligence to increase New York sales leads by 2,930%,' Harvard Business Review (Digital Articles) (May 30, 2017), pp. 2–5.
Mr. Li presents some well-received opening remarks on the effects that the quality and stability of bottles can have on medicine production. The conference is well attended, and once over, there is universal agreement among attendees ...
In addition to strategy implementation with customers, the sales organization must closely monitor marketing plans and actions to ensure that marketing is following a promising avenue. Six marketing imperatives—the tasks that marketing ...
Logically structured, this book covers the practice of selling, sales channels, recruitment and training, and sales control. This edition places particular emphasis on the international aspects of selling and sales management.
In this no-nonsense book, sales expert and Harvard Business School professor Frank Cespedes provides sales managers and executives with the tools they need to separate the signal from the noise.
Packed with all new metrics and tactics for making the numbers in today’s sales environment, ProActive Sales Management is an invaluable resource for this brand of highly in-demand leaders.
Characters: Tom Beesman, national sales manager; Charlie Davidson, star sales representative Scene 1: Location—Tom Beesman's office. Action—Beesman has called a meeting with Charlie Davidson to discuss with him the company's plans to ...
Relationship Selling and Sales Management