What George W. Bush called the "first war of the twenty-first century" actually began more than 2,300 years ago when Alexander the Great led his army into what is now a sprawling ruin in northern Afghanistan. Accounts of Alexander's invasion of ancient Bactria read eerily like news from our own day. In this vivid, meticulously researched, and elegantly narrated book, Frank L. Holt follows Alexander's historical, archaeological, and numismatic legacy back and forth between ancient Bactria and modern Afghanistan. Recounting the plight of the most powerful leader of the time as he led the most sophisticated army of its day into the treacherous world of tribal warlords, Holt describes those grueling campaigns and the impact they had on Alexander, his generals, their troops, and the world. "Into the Land of Bones "also examines the conflict from the point of view of the local warlords who pushed the invading Greeks to the limits of their endurance--and sometimes beyond, into mania and mutiny. The lively narrative situates the current war in Afghanistan in a broader historical perspective. Holt explains how the three modern superpowers that have invaded Afghanistan--Britain in the nineteenth century, the Soviets in the twentieth, and the United States in the twenty-first--are continuing the struggle that Alexander began centuries ago. That this legacy continues to play itself out today is a testament to the timeliness of Holt's fascinating and original account.
Ai Khanoum en Afghanistan hier ( 1964—1976 ) 6t aujourd'hui ( 2001 ) : Un site en péril , perspectives d'avenir . " Comptes Rendus de I'Académic des Inscriptions et Belles - Lettres ( 2001 ) : 971-1029 . Berve , Helmut .
“Communicated,” Princeton Clarion, May 30, 1872, front page; “Black History/Little Africa,” Lawrence County Historical Society, accessed July 13, 2016, www.lawrencelore.org/blackhistory. 19. Annelise Morris, “Jumping the Legal Color ...
Elizabeth Kilcoyne’s Wake the Bones is a dark, atmospheric debut about the complicated feelings that arise when the place you call home becomes hostile.
Hers was checked and crossed by lines and squares of yellow, gray, and brown. If it was somewhat better made than the blankets her neighbors wore, this showed only that the local weaver had his preferences. Maddie could be considered a ...
The most modern of roller coasters ride on soft rubber tires and slithery smooth tracks. Gone are the days of jouncing along on steel wheels, smacking over hard metal joints. So it is with this book.
Tom Clancy , Patricia Cornwell , W.E.B. Griffin , Nora Roberts , William Gibson , Robin Cook , Brian Jacques , Catherine Coulter , Stephen King , Dean Koontz , Ken Follett , Clive Cussler , Eric Jerome Dickey , John Sandford , Terry ...
June Hur's elegant and haunting debut The Silence of Bones is a bloody YA historical mystery tale perfect for fans of Kerri Maniscalco and Renée Ahdieh.
In one world, they’re ordinary university students.
Human Bones combines an intriguing discussion of the function and design of human bones with stunningly beautiful color photographs that capture their unique elegance. R. McNeill Alexander, the world's foremost...
Sellars had urged them to try again, but they demurred. The church was gone, half of Prosperous lay in ruins, and even if this incarnation of their god were somehow to be reborn, its maturation would come too late.