Through a variety of policies and actions--and most recently in a new military doctrine adopted in February 2010--Russia has indicated the types of situations and threats that might cause it to resort to using nuclear weapons. This volume examines Russia's evolving framework for nuclear deterrence and its implications for U.S. military operations in Europe.
The requirements of extended deterrence -- Russia and NATO enlargement -- WMD proliferation -- West European cooperation -- "Delegitimisation" and arms control -- Possible changes in US policy.
38 Gunter Verheugen, interview in Suddeutsche Zeitung, 17 July 1997; and 'Concertation FrancoAllemande sur la Dissuasion Nucléaire', Le Monde, 13—14 July 1997. 39 Bozo, 'Dissuasion Concertée', p. 99. 4" Yves Boyer, 94 Bruno Tertrais.
The Future of US Nuclear Deterrence in Europe: Problems and Prospects
This paper collection explores the evolving deterrence dialogue in Europe and identifies ways to inject new momentum into that dialogue.
Extended Deterrence: The United States and NATO Europe
Europe Without Tactical Nuclear Forces?: Reflections on the Concept of Minimized Extended Deterrence
This book examines NATO's attempts between 1952 and 1990 to achieve the political and military control of nuclear weapons operations in a multinational organisation.
Om konventionelle styrker som modvægt mod afskrækkelse ved hjælp af strategiske atomvåben. Nuklear afskrækkelse, økonomi, politik. - Småt trykt.
To prevent deliberate war, we seek a posture that maximizes deterrence. To avoid inadvertent war, we seek to minimize the risk of miscommunication, miscalculation, accidents, or a breakdown in the political or physical control over ...
... which can be minimised through governance structures that facilitate the transfer of information, help formulate agreements, and enforce compliance.25 Richard Higgott points out that 'the power to mold understandings ...