Straight from the library at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a book of magical creatures that no Harry Potter fan should be without!
A copy of FANTASTIC BEASTS & WHERE TO FIND THEM resides in almost every wizarding household in the country. Now Muggles too have the chance to discover where the Quintaped lives, what the Puffskein eats, and why it is best not to leave milk out for a Knarl.
Proceeds from the sale of this book will go to Comic Relief, which means that the dollars and Galleons you exchange for it will do magic beyond the powers of any wizard. If you feel that this is insufficient reason to part with your money, I can only hope that passing wizards feel more charitable if they see you being attacked by a Manticore.
-- Albus Dumbledore
Yi zuo huang liang de,Gu ling ling de ju da cheng bao zai hei an zhong xian xian.Jing tou dui zhun cheng bao wai yi ge e luan shi guang chang,Mi wu long zhao,Qi fen gui yi,Wu sheng wu xi.Wu wei ao luo shou ju mo zhang zhan li,Jin shen di ...
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Zhei shi yi ben yi di tu wei xian suo de dong wu ke pu du wu,Jie shao le di qiu qi da zhou shang 31 zhong shen qi dong...
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