Bruce and Taeko Brooks have returned this wide-ranging text to its full historical and intellectual setting, organizing the sayings in their original chronological sequence, and permitting the Analects to be read for maximum understanding, ...
国学是中华传统文化的精粹,具有历久弥新的研究和学习价值。中国传统文化经典历经了千百年的历史积淀,凝结着中华民族的民族精神和民族情感,承载着中华民族的文化和思想精 ...
诸葛亮是中国古代智慧和道德的化身,关于他的故事民间广为流传,就是这样一位被民间神化了的人物,也曾经用“无中生有,移花接木”的“欺诈”之术,鼓动三寸不烂之舌,将东吴大将周瑜说得心服口服。三国时诸葛亮入东吴商量孙刘联合抗曹,后来的赤壁之战的胜利便是这 ...
Political scientist and historian William Sewell, who has been strongly influenced by Geertz, argues that the Geertzian view of the biological necessity of culture is a “brilliant piece of materialist argumentation.
For a more detailed presentation , see Maur Standaert , ' Le principe de l'ordination dans la théologie spirituelle de Saint Bernard ' , Coll 8 ( 1946 ) 178–216 : ' ordination par consentement ' , 197–205 . 118 Gra 4.11 ; SBOp 3 : 173 .
《韩非子》是韩非子主要著作的辑录,共有文章五十五篇,十余万字。里面的文章,风格严峻峭刻,干脆犀利,里面保存了丰富的寓言故事,在先秦诸子散文中独树一帜,呈现韩非极 ...
"A unique, new anthology in the philosophy of religion, presenting the analytical viewpoint. The selections show that a real affinity exists between recent analytic research in the philosophy of religion...
The Kingdom of God Is Within You, is a non-fiction book written by Leo Tolstoy. A philosophical treatise, the book was first published in Germany in 1894 after being banned...