Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Meaningful learning with technology / by David Jonassen ... [ et al . ] . ... 30 ; David Buffington / Getty Images , Inc. - Photodisc , p . ... 99 ; Pearson Learning Photo Studio , p .
'Closing the Gap in Education and Technology' advises Latin American and Caribbean governments to address the region's deficits in skills and technology, and thereby boost productivity, ultimately improving growth prospects.
Electronic Data Book; a Guide for Designers [by] Rudolf F. Graf
INSTRUCTIONAL AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Zane L. Berge , editor The Online Writing Classroom Susanmarie Harrington , Rebecca Rickly and Michael Day ( eds . ) Keeping Pace With Technology : Educational Technology That Transforms Volume ...
此,朱认为,学教学中学生“提问题的力”分为5个等级:1 于提问题水平;2简单模仿水平;3 识地思后提问水平;4带问题学,钻研后提问水平;5 贯通,思虑后提问水平。朱还指养学生“提问题”力的有:1教学生“提问题”,向学生阐明提问题的重要性、必要性,让学生理并受提问题 ...
In Concept of a Function : Aspects of Epistemology and Pedagogy , edited by Ed Dubinsky and Guershon Harel , pp . 175-93 . Washington , D.C .: Mathematical Association of America , 1992 . National Council for the Social Studies ( NCSS ) ...
This brief handbook serves as an excellent resource and guide to help teachers use the Internet and the World Wide Web. By following the National Council for the Accreditation of...
R. Buckminster Fuller on Education
Technology-based training offers a flexible, cost-effective way of meeting the increasing need for people to reskill. This work provides an accesible guide to the potential benefits and pitfalls of this...
How can you migrate your tried and true face-to-face teaching practices into an online environment? This is the core question that Scott Warnock seeks to answer in Teaching Writing Online:...