本书全面地介绍了目前各种国际结算方式及与之配套使用的国际惯例,包括《跟单信用证统一惯例(UCP600)》《国际标准银行实务(ISBP681)》《国际贸易术语解释通则(INCOTERMS2010)》《见索即付保函统一规则(URDG 758)》等。本书根据教学需求和实际业务操作的需要,以及传统结算方式易于掌握而国际结算融资过程比较复杂的特点,加大了融资、担保等内容的比重,同时注重各种结算方式及相应融资业务的风险分析和防范措施,搭建新的结构框架,系统地介绍了国际结算方式,结算票据、单据,国际贸易的融资方式,以及国际贸易中的担保等内容。本书从国际商务运行的视角,系统地阐释国际结算和国际贸易融资问题,兼顾理论与实际的结合。本书可以作为国际经济与贸易、国际金融以及国际经济法等涉外经贸类专业相关课程的教材,也可作为国际商务人员、国际金融从业人员以及涉外法律界人士的参考用书。
Proceedings of the Ascilite conference, held in Dunedin, New Zealand in November 2014. 176 papers were presented of which 37 were full papers and 78 concise papers.
B:I'm sorry.I have my schedule full on Wednesday too.Is it ok to move the meeting to Friday this week?B:对不起,我星期三的日程也已排满了。你看能否把会议安排到这周五?C:I have only Friday afternoon free.Would that be fine with you?
本书是化妆师职业资格考试用书,根据人物形象设计行业培训的特点,以素描基础知识为起点,对人物形象设计效果图绘制过程中的基本步骤、结构原理、表现技法中常见问题及解决 ...
Chinese Universities and Colleges
This volume is part of a series of 18 monographs service learning and the academic disciplines. This collection of essays focuses on the use of service learning as an approach to teaching and learning in political science.
... pues como podrá observarse con mayor detalle en el capítulo siguiente no son pocos los cambios ocurridos tanto en el país , como en las reglas de operación del SES en las últimas décadas ( Acosta , 2002 ; De Vries , 2000 ) .
While negotiating in the fall of 1896 with the eminent University of Wisconsin historian Frederick Jackson Turner, Wilson was asked directly if Princeton had any religious tests. He replied, "I think I can say without qualification that ...
Frank M. Turner ( New Haven : Yale University Press , 1996 ) , 82 . CHAPTER 4. RESTORING COMMUNITY 1. Report of the Committee on Organization Presented to the Trustees of the Cornell University , October 21 , 1866 ( Albany , N.Y .
cclxxix (Swanson & Sachse-Lee, 2001) cclxxx (ABC News, 2010) cclxxxi (Dehaene, 2011) cclxxxii (Didau, 2019) cclxxxiii (NCS Pearson, Inc, 2015) cclxxxiv (Carey, 2013) cclxxxv (NCS Pearson, Inc, 2015) cclxxxvi (Ringen, 2015) cclxxxvii ...
Understanding the Student Experience in Hong Kong: The adaptation and administration of a questionnaire