This series is both a major cultural project which, for the first time ever, presents to the world a systematic and complete set of selected and translated Chinese classics, and a foundation project for showcasing the cream of traditional Chinese culture. The library will comprise more than 100 of the most representative classic works, covering literature, history, philosophy, politics, economy, military science, and science and technology. Works in classical prose have been translated first into modern Chinese, and then into English.
颜氏家训成书于隋文帝灭陈国以后, 隋炀帝即位之前(约公元6世纪末), 是颜之推记述个人经历, 思想, 学识以告诫子孙的著作.主要内容包括:序致篇一, 教子篇二, 兄弟篇三, 后娶篇四等.
颜氏家训成书于隋文帝灭陈国以后, 隋炀帝即位之前(约公元6世纪末), 是颜之推记述个人经历, 思想, 学识以告诫子孙的著作.主要内容包括:序致篇一, 教子篇二, 兄弟篇三, 后娶篇四等.
Ben shu cai yong wang li qi de " yan shi jia xun ji jie " ben, zhu shi he yi wen guang fan can kao qian zhe shi xian...
本书撷取"颜氏家训"的重要篇章, 加以简明的注释和通俗的译文, 让读者更容易理解古人在家庭教育上的高超智慧.
朱子家训. 颜氏家训