Education Agricultural Society of S.C. , 76 Adam architectural style , 174 Agriculture , see Farms and farming Adams , Abigail , see Adams , Mrs. John Alamance , Battle of , N.C. , 78 Adams , Brooks , great - grandson of Albany ...
John Pory, Fifteen Seventy-two to Sixteen Thirty-six: the Life and Letters of a Man of Many Parts
Quoted in Thomas G. Paterson and J. Garry Clifford , America Ascendant : U.S. Foreign Relations Since 1939 ( Lexington , MA , 1995 ) , 130-31 . 14. Quoted in Pach and Richardson , Eisenhower , 164 . 15. Memoranda of conversation , April ...
Franklin s Autobiography is the only enduring best-seller written in America before the nineteenth century, as well as the most popular autobiography ever written."
Although it had a tortuous publication history after Franklin's death, this work has become one of the most famous and influential examples of an autobiography ever written.
Born to an unmarried couple and raised on a remote West Indian island, Alexander Hamilton rose to greatness as a founder of the nation, a soldier and statesman.
1 The stimulation of JQA's interest in nucleus of the institution's fine arts lithe Report by Victor Cousin may derive brary ( Mabel M. Swan , The Athenæum from an occasion noted in the entry for Gallery , Boston , 1940 , p . 128 ) .
Poor Hartley had been working with all the energy of a good man in a good cause; but he was in the painful position of having no excuse to offer for the backwardness of his government. February 22, 1779, brought more reproaches from ...
Jeremiah Wadsworth, Federalist Entrepreneur