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Mammals of Eastern United States
Describes the physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, and life cycle of the small long-tailed panda of Asia.
The Biology and Medicine of Rabbits and Rodents
Since its publication in 1988, America's Neighborhood Bats has changed the way we look at bats by underscoring their harmless and beneficial nature. In this revised edition, Merlin Tuttle offers...
A comprehensive guide to the whales of the world and where to see them. Every year, more than four million people go whale watching, and the numbers keep growing. This...
Years of research during the 1960s in Michigan's Isle Royale National Park provided Mech with a level of firsthand knowledge shared by few in the field. In 1970 he compiled...
These beautifully illustrated and thoroughly researched books pay tribute to some of the world's most fascinating animals. Spectacular, full-color photographs and informative text show each family of animals in their...
Orcas: entre el mito y la realidad
Among Whales presents the state of our most advanced knowledge about whales, but in doing so also embraces a rich variety of subjects and disciplines. It is a work of...