本书汇集了默顿·米勒教授在不同场合发表的22篇发言和演讲.在书中,作者对金融衍生工具发展的历程和前景 ...
A guide to the full spectrum of derivatives, from the simplest to the most complex, as well as the law, regulation, documentation and practice surrounding them.
A classic collection of the writing of John Hull and Alan White.
本书涵盖了金融衍生工具的基本内容以及相应的风险管理知识, 主要介绍了期权, 远期, 期货, 互换等基础性金融衍生工具的基本知识, 市场制度, 定价原理和市场运用策略, ...
本书共分三部分,首先,明确将衍生品定义为资本.如果说股份公司和股票市场的诞生和发展奠定了现代资本主义经济的制度基础 ...
The Practice Problems and Solutions Book offers students additional practice problems and worked-out solutions. Students can purchase the printed Practice Problems and Solutions Book from our online catalog or from MyPearsonStore.
This book gives you a more thorough understanding, and a practical skillset that investment managers need.
Based on author's thesis (doctoral - University of London), 2014.
reviews the U.S. federal income taxation of derivative transactions other than equity derivatives.
This Financial Times study deals with the tax treatment of foreign exchange and financial derivatives.