Ben jiao cai fen wei shang, Xia liang bian. Shang bian cong wai bu ji zhi he nei bu ji zhi liang ge shi jiao dui"ying xiao chuang xin"jin xing le shen ru fen xi he gai kuo;Xia bian ze wei rao zhe"ying xiao you xi gui ze"tan tao le qi gai bian mo shi yu fang fa, Ji qi ying yong ji qiao deng xian dai gui ze.
本书从基础理论, 市场分析, 营销战略, 营销策略, 营销创新和管理等方面展开论述, 涉及学科概况, 市场分析技术, 市场竞争和营销战略, 市场营销组合策略, 市场营销管理等内容.
The soft drinks culture identified by Andrew Mann was bringing significant changes to the soft drinks market in 1995. No longer were adults necessarily switching to tea and coffee drinking. Kevin White, commercial director of Coca Cola ...
Ben shu dui ying xiao guan nian chuang xin, Ying xiao fang shi chuang xin, Ying xiao yao su chuang xin, Ying xiao zu zhi chuang xin si ge fang...
This volume focuses on substantive issues in innovation, marketing strategy, and the nexus of innovation and marketing strategy.
This book combines the fields of marketing and innovation management, acknowledging that marketing plays an important and proactive role in radical product, brand and market innovaton processes.
This book responds to a growing demand in the academic community for a focus on customer-related proactive behaviour in the study of radical innovation development, combining a thorough theoretical discussion with detailed international ...
This volume is concerned with understanding the factors that determine innovation and its contribution to corporate achievement.