為什麼有人一發文就有流量,甚至成為KOL? 為什麼有人用網路開店,訂單接不完? 為什麼有人辦活動、揪團都能讓一群人齊聚一堂? 在流量世代,人人都要具備圈粉力! ★ ...
Snapchat的共同創辦人埃文.斯皮格(Evan Spiegel)有一個簡單的構想:智慧型手機年輕用戶討厭訊息永遠存在,無論是被家長檢查手機,或者女友或男友看到以前的訊息,千禧世代都希望保有一些隱私。此外,千禧世代希望自己的聊天訊息可以說故事。
_者__在_____出版_本_出于如下理由: 1. 目前微商方面的_籍很多,主要是__微商_人__者,站 在微商__者_体角度而言,而__企_家的几乎_有,____ ...
新行銷時代,如何說對故事?你需要一套掌握各種顧客心理的全新行銷攻略︰賣商品也賣改變的利器,能賺錢也能讓對方有贏的感覺。從煩惱賣不動到故事行銷高手,只有一本書的距 ...
[24] Ferratt T W, Agarwal R, Brown C V, et al. IT human resource management configurations and IT turnover:theoretical synthesis and empirical analysis[J]. Information Systems Research, 2005, 16(3):237-255. [25]劉善仕,周巧笑,黃同圳,等.
In E-Commerce Basics, the authors introduce the basic technological infastructure and basic business issues to understand when analyzing the feasibility of e-commerce initiatives. The book uses a layered approach that...
As a Web development professional, you have significant knowledge of Internet and Web technologies, but what do you know about business strategy? You can produce a Web site that incorporates...
For students in the introductory course in database who want to learn how to design rather than just manipulate relational databases.The book that balances database theory, business problem solving, and...
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Starting an Online Business shows why and how to establish company Web sites and Intranets. It speaks specifically to the idea of distributed information as...