134 But given the salience of these identitarian concerns , it is striking that the measures in question did not reduce admissions outright , prompting David Reimers to conclude , " In all , it appears that the pro - immigration lobby ...
第4條酷刑與不人道或羞辱之待遇或懲罰之禁止不論何人均不得被施以酷刑或不人道或羞辱之待遇或懲罰。(No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.)第5條奴隸與強制勞動之禁止 1.不論何人均不得被處為奴隸 ...
Kurzban's Immigration Law Sourcebook: A Comprehensive Outline and Reference Tool
Refugee Law and Policy: Selected Statutes, Regulations, and International Materials
"This is the single most significant new work on the multiple missions of INS (a proposed division of the new Department of Homeland Security) and the complex, highly political environment...
本書從學業、工作、生活、文化等領域進行全方位向讀者展示英國留學和移民的全過程,旨在幫助讀者迅速瞭解英國留學移民的方方面面。本書主要包含了英國教育介紹,為何選擇英國留學,如何申請學校、辦理簽證、英國移民簽證,入籍申請攻略、英國風俗習慣等內容。本書具有內容豐富、全面、實用,語言通俗易懂等特點,有較強的針對性。特別適合赴英國留學移民的學生、家長和老師,以及留學移民仲介機構等相關人員閱讀。 註:本書內容為簡體中文
The Foreign Relations of the United States volumes of the series include all records needed to provide comprehensive documentation of major foreign policy decisions and actions of the United States...
本书分别从"理论"和"行政"等两个层面, 探讨最新的移民政策, 法制与实务之发展.本书收录了最新的移民理论与政策实务等方面之文献, 除了期盼对于人口移动, 移民政策暨国境执法等方面之理论, 政策与法制, 能较为全面的引介以飨读者之外, 更盼能成为推展移民领域相关研究的基础知识与助力.
Have newcomers to American cities been responsible for a disproportionate amount of violent crime? Dangerous Strangers takes up this question by examining the incidence of criminal violence among several waves...