本书从美国引进版权并翻译出版,主要阐述了作者对形式主义、历史和文化的观点,作为一本文学批评理论著作,较为全面地研究了各种文化现象,包括同性恋研究、本质论与种族结 ...
Founded by William T. Stead in Apr 1909 , its purpose was to enable the living to get in touch with their dead loved ones . At meetings of the orning Circle a chair was always placed at the head of the table for Julia A. Notes ...
This annotated bibliography has extensive multi-cultural topics which include clothing, travel, intergenerational relationships, food, celebrations, folktales and moral issues such as good over evil.
TITLE AUTHOR PRODUCED National Velvet E. Bagnold 1945 F. Mowat 1983 Never Cry Wolf Old Yeller F. Gibson 1957 On the Beach N. Shute 1959 1982 J. H. Rosny J. Steinbeck G. Maxwell 1949 1967 Quest for Fire Red Pony Ring of Bright Water ...
(德)瓦尔特·本雅明著, 李茂增, 苏仲乐译. 这个故事已经足够荒唐,很多作品还要 ... 而且,卓别林本人“早已经告诉我们,当他看到斯特兰大街上那些脚步匆匆的上班族,灵光乍现,于是塑造了这个头戴圆礼帽、鸭步鹅行、蓄着牙刷似的小胡须、手拎拐杖的小丑形象”。
学术专著。普希金,全称亚历山大谢尔盖耶维奇普希金(1799-1837),俄国著名文学家、诗人、小说家,现代俄国文学的创始人,19世纪俄国浪漫主义文学主要代表,现实主义文学的奠 ...
Ben shu dui wen xue lun li xue pi ping jin xing le quan mian, Xi tong de yan jiu, Jie jue le wen xue lun li xue pi ping de li lun yu pi ping shi jian zhong de yi xie ji ben xue shu wen ti.
联系皮日休到访过沪渎的事实(15) ,该诗序很可能记录了晚唐时期沪渎流传的“石佛浮海”神话,包括“石佛浮海”与其衍生的“佛钵”神话两部分,该神话暗示:石佛上岸后先安置于沪渎本地寺庙,后来进入开元寺。上海地区于春秋战国时期曾先后归属于吴、越、楚三国, ...
This book explores the connection between beer, culture, and politics in Munich to examine the crucial role the city has played in the development of modern Germany over the last thousand years.