Ben shu xiang shu le li jing xue sheng yun dong, Ba nian kang zhan, Jie fang zhan zheng, Xin zhong guo wai jiao, Wai guo jun shi yan jiu, Wen ge meng yuan, Ping fan qian hou deng ge ge ren sheng jie duan de shi jian he gu shi.
The definitive history of the German terrorist Red Army Faction (1970 98): both a fast-paced narrative, which reads like a thriller, and an essential guide to the understanding of terrorism then and now.
Fred Thompson Communist, Union Organizer, Humanist: A Biography
There would be a theater that featured a week of movies with Marlon Brando or a week of movies with Dustin Hoffman . I remember first seeing Lenny , about Lenny Bruce , played by Dustin Hoffman , as part of a “ Cycle Dustin Hoffman .
One exception to this approach was the massive study of the Russian Revolution by E. H. Carr ( The Bolshevik Revolution , 1950-3 ) . Although Carr's view of Lenin was not very positive , the main focus of his study was on broader ...
本书以卡尔·马克思的生平经历与思想发展为主线,从他在德国的成长与求学,在巴黎的工作与斗争,一直写到流放伦敦的最后岁月,涉及青年黑格尔派运动,1848年欧洲革命浪潮 ...
落落的步音: 王谦宇书信残篇
Las cárceles de Soledad Real