Cf. Ach. 849; Av. 8o0 on 6é koshiyo ye okóðtov d'Irote TuApévo ('and you [resemble] a blackbird plucked in a bowl-cut'; not a flattering description); Eup. fr. 313. 2 with K-A ad loc.; Hermipp. fr. 13; Poll. ii. 29; Pearson on S. fr.
In this edition, there are new translations by David Grene of Oedipus at Colonus and Antigone; they join his version of Oedipus the King to bring a new unity of tone to Sophocles' Theban plays.
诗人埃斯库罗斯约于公元前525年生于依洛西斯。他的父亲欧福里翁属“欧帕特里得尔”,或者说雅典的古老贵族。埃斯库罗斯是否真的是依洛西斯秘仪的传人不得而知。而对他泄露得 ...
Oedipus, King of Thebes: A Tragedy
This is an introduction to Euripides' "Cyclops", the only example of satyric drama to have survived complete into the modern world. The work gives an historical and analytical account of...
In nine paperback volumes, the Grene and Lattimore editions offer the most comprehensive selection of the Greek tragedies available in English. Over the years these authoritative, critically acclaimed editions have...
These two Greek tragedies need no introduction. Their power, riches and influence are immense. All the more reason, therefore, for a volume that can steer the reader through the Penguin...
Designed primarily to be used alongside a standard school text of the Antigone, this first extensive commentary since the Jebb 1891 edition represents a new concept in text commentary. The...
Oedipus the King • Antigone • Electra • AjaxTrachinian Women • Philoctetes • Oedipus at ColonusThe greatest of the Greek tragedians, Sophocles wrote over 120 plays, surpassing his older contemporary...
Plautus (Titus Maccius), born about 254 BCE at Sarsina in Umbria, went to Rome, engaged in work connected with the stage, lost his money in commerce, then turned to writing...