TV Guide Almanac
Stay Tuned: An Inside Look at the Making of Prime-time Television
gether , with moderate success , and had She played Joan Stevens , the wife of their own radio comedy show , ' My domestic - relations court Judge Bradley Favorite Husband , upon which ' I Love Stevens , played by character actor Jim ...
The New York Times Encyclopedia of Television
Socially , Collins's life was equally tumultuous . She allegedly was beaten by her first husband , whom she referred to as “ sadistic and perverted , ” and felt suppressed by her second , Anthony Newley , who did not like seeing what ...
In 1946, after World War ll, television began to burst up on the American scence with a speed unforeseen even by the most optimistic leaders of the industry.
Financing, Programming and Diversity in Australian Television
The Tipping Point: How Much Is Broadcast Creativity at Risk ?: An Independent Report Commissioned by the BBC July 2005
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