本书讲述了来自英国的雇佣兵詹姆斯·阿什克罗夫特在伊拉克十八个月的亲身经历.展示了每天至少1000美元的雇佣兵的真实生活, 揭开了军事承包商的神秘面纱.
The first bricks had been with her since the beginning, back when she first considered marrying a New York City firefighter. Back when she and Jake Bryan were just twelve years old. “I'm never leaving New York City.
With the same directness that defined his career in public service, Rumsfeld's memoir is filled with previously undisclosed details and insights about the Bush administration, 9/11, and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
本书以新时期"反恐"背景下的争议之战2003年伊拉克战争为例,以113篇纽约时报反伊战报道文本为对象,从特定叙述语境,主题,事件,新闻报道要素,修辞手段和报道语气基调这六个元素入手 ...
In 2002 , she met her boyfriend , Wilson Enrique Lopez , through a friend . don't care much about anonymity , and probably neither I Fort Hood , Texas . We feel very much in love and wish to share positive feelings with anybody who ...
It later received a rolling World Premiere at Available Light Theatre in Columbus (Matt Slaybaugh, Artistic Director), Bang and the Clatter in Cleveland, OH (Sean Derry, Artistic Director), Halcyon Theatre in Chicago (Tony Adams, ...
"Opening up for the first time about his combat experience, Congressman Ruben Gallego (D, AZ) delivers a moving and unforgettable memoir of the eternal bonds forged between the Marines of Lima Company, the hardest-hit unit of the Iraq War"- ...
El francotirador: memorias del SEAL más letal de la historia
"Trong vòng mười năm từ 1999 đến 2009, xạ thủ Chris Kyle của lực lượng biệt kích SEAL thuộc Hải quân Mỹ đã bắn hạ nhiều hơn bất cứ tay súng bắn tỉa nào trong quân sử Hoa Kỳ.
"Under fire and under pressure in Balad, Iraq, Lt. Col Jay T. Bishoff, a United States Air Force surgeon, gives a first-hand account of the war in Iraq through unique photographic images and his personal encounters in his new book, Boots of ...