咖啡文化還是很有必要瞭解一下的,理由如下: 1.為吹牛,顯擺一下自己的品位。 2.身為人類的一員,我們的內心充滿了求知欲。對我們而言,
威爾弗(Andreas Willhoff) ... 杜利阿爾巴(Turrialba)和瓜納卡斯特(Guanacaste)區域也生產咖啡,但是分別由於次佳的氣候與較低的海拔,讓這裡較難生產出真正的 ... 西部的阿帕內卡-伊拉馬鐵佩克(Apaneca-Ilamatepec)則是最大的產區,亦以優異的咖啡聞名。
本书是一本介绍祁门红茶的书,讲述了祁门红茶的生长环境、地理情况、红茶制作的方法和工艺,还介绍红茶的功效和冲泡方法。这是一本实用性很强的书,能帮助读者了解红茶的方 ...
威廉‧H‧烏克斯. 穿過巨蟹座猛烈的火焰之下,看見的是龐大的泉源。精疲力竭、一切失靈;而今無可變更的窘境構築出她無情的律法── ... 隨後是從馬丁尼克引進較為耐寒的植株。1715 年到 1717 年,法屬東印度公司一位聖‧馬洛出身、名叫杜福吉‧格雷尼爾的船長將 ...
茶疗功效解肌退热、生津止渴、止泻解酒、补充雌激素、调节内分泌,适用于风热引起的头痛、心血管疾病、高血糖、高血脂、女性更年期综合症。养生茶谱葛根茶材料:新鲜葛根30克,或制好的干葛根5~10克。做法:将葛根洗净切成薄片,放入保温杯内用沸水冲泡, ...
深入浅出,阐述借茶修为,以茶养德,可日日修持的“茶修”体系。包含以下几部分:1.“茶修”的缘起、核心思想。2.茶修宗旨。3.茶修理念。4.茶修美学。5 ...
From the fourth century B.C. in China, where tea was used as an aid in Buddhist meditation, to the Boston Tea Party in 1773, when its destruction became a rousing...
Tea is one of the world's most popular beverages, and the birthplace of tea is China. Until the 1830s, China was the only producer of tea, and today it remains...
When tea began to be imported into the West from China in the 17th century, its high price and heavy taxes made it an immediate target for smuggling and dispute...
-- The first comprehensive exploration of the social history of tea from the 17th century to the present day-- The product of original research based on the incomparable resources of...