Examines how electricity is created from renewable energy sources such as solar energy, geothermal energy, wind energy, tidal and water power, and bioenergy.
The United Nations Environment Programme and the International Energy Agency would appreciate receiving a copy of any publication that uses this publication as a source . No use of this publication may be made for resale or for any ...
The Extreme Green Guide
Low-carbon Consumption in China: Residential Behavior, Corporate Practices and Policy Implication
本书对于澳大利亚能源法的研究主要涉及澳大利亚能源矿产法,以及澳大利亚的电力,可再生能源和节能减排等重要领域的相关法律和政策,并结合我国的具体情况 ...
本书研究了北京市能源消费与二氧化碳减排所涉及的各种主要问题,内容包括节能减排与经济发展,北京市能源消费与经济发展的关系研究,北京市三大产业终端能源消费变化的分解研究 ...
Provides the energy manager with the most current information available to move forward with the comprehensive energy management program.