本书对立法程序技术层面进行的描述, 内容包括立法的程序, 法案的制定, 立法权之分析, 宪法的影响, 法律解释等五大部分.
... Miller KANSAS Dole Pearson KENTUCKY Cook Cooper LOUISIANA Ellender Long MAINE Muskie Smith MARYLAND Beall Mathias ... risk the health of the students or if the order impinged significantly on the quality of the student's education .
The fourth edition maintains the pathbreaking materials on theories of legislation, the legislative process, representational structures, campaign finance, regulation of lobbying, direct democracy, the relation of statutes and the common ...
Powell Jr. was hailed for his professional excellence and for the moderation of his political views . Those views had been fashioned by a lifetime of private law practice in Richmond , Virginia , years of active participation in the ...
The President's Legislative Policy Agenda, 1789 2002 argues that presidents often anticipate the Congressional reaction to their legislative proposals and modify their agendas accordingly.
Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy
Designed to assist local United Ways and their affiliated agencies, as well as other health and human service policy and program advocates, to have an impact on state-level decisions made by the Texas Legislature, the Office of the Governor ...
Guide to Current American Government: Spring 1995
This guide is a collection of Congressional Quarterly reporting, as published in the last six months in the CQ Weekly and related CQ publications.
Cq Guide to Current American Government Spring 1991
The Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong: Legislative Council Commission Ordinance (Cap 443)