
Gary Chapman, Paul White


The Five Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace: Empowering Organizations by Encouraging People, by Gary Chapman and Paul White, applies the love language concept to the workplace. This book helps supervisors and managers effectively communicate appreciation and encouragement to their employees, resulting in higher levels of job satisfaction, healthier relationships between managers and employees, and decreased cases of burnout. Ideal for both the profit and non-profit sectors, the principles presented in this book have a proven history of success in businesses, schools, medical offices, churches, and industry. Each book contains an access code for the reader to take a comprehensive online MBA Inventory (Motivating By Appreciation) . The inventory is designed to provide a clearer picture of an individual's primary language of appreciation and motivation as experienced in a work-related setting. It identifies individuals' preference in the languages of appreciation. Understanding an individual's primary and secondary languages of appreciation can assist managers and supervisors in communicating effectively to their team members. From the Back Cover: Is appreciation communicated regularly at your workplace? Do you truly feel valued by those with whom you work? If you express appreciation in ways that aren't meaningful to your co-workers, they may not feel valued at all. The problem is you're speaking different languages. In The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace, Dr. Gary Chapman and Dr. Paul White will help you: Express genuine appreciation to co-workers and staff - even on a tight budget. Increase loyalty with the employees and volunteers in your organization. Reduce cynicism and create a more positive work environment. Improve your ability to show appreciation for difficult colleagues. Individualize your expressions of appreciation by speaking the right language. Convey the language of physical touch in appropriate ways. Based on the #1 New York Times bestseller, The 5 Love Languages(R), Dr. Chapman and Dr. White give you practical steps to make any workplace environment more encouraging and productive. Before you know it, you will learn to speak and understand the unique languages of appreciation and feel truly valued in return. 在你工作的地方,人们常常互相赞赏吗? 在工作中,你真的感觉自己受到赏识吗? 如果答案是肯定的,我相信你一定干劲十足。但有很多时候,你真诚地发出赞赏,对方却好像完全"不领情"。问题出在表达方式上:你没有用对赞赏的语言。 盖瑞-查普曼博士的《爱的五种语言》全球畅销600万册,帮助无数人改善了婚姻关系。现今,他根据"爱的五种语言",和工作人际关系专家保罗-怀特博士共同研究的成果,将有效地帮助你: 不用高昂花费,就能真诚地鼓励同事、激励员工提高员工或志愿者对机构的忠诚度减少消极情绪,创造更积极的工作环境养成赞赏习惯,对最难相处的人也能称赞到他的心坎里。用对赞语,感谢和激励方式不再千篇一律学会把赞赏送入人心,让同伴更明确自己的价值和贡献,让团队更融洽、更团结、工作更高效。