The IMF’s World Economic Outlook is packed with country specific facts, figures, and worldwide projections that present the outlook for growth, inflation, trade, and other economic developments in a clear, practical format. Leading international economists pull together the latest data on key topics, producing informed projections and policy analyses that show where the global economy is headed in the years to come. Business executives, policymakers, bankers, investors, marketing strategists, and economists worldwide refer to the WEO with confidence because it delivers a balanced view of the current economic situation, built upon the respected and extensive macroeconomic expertise and statistical resources of the IMF. The WEO is the product of a unique international exercise in information gathering and analysis performed by over 1,000 economists on the IMF staff. An annual subscription to the World Economic Outlook, published at least twice a year in English, French, Spanish, and Arabic, offers a comprehensive assessment of the international economic situation as well as prospects for the future. With its analyses backed by the expertise and unparalleled resources of the IMF, the World Economic Outlook is the authoritative reference in its field. Today, when even small economic fluctuations can trigger major financial swings, the WEO supplies a solid source of actionable information and data.
This book, by Abdessatar Ouanes and Subhash Thakur presents the principal elements of macroeconomic accounting and analysis for the real, fiscal, monetary, and external sectors of a transition economy, using Poland as a case study.
Years of Poverty, Years of Plenty: The Changing Economic Fortunes of American Workers and Families
Everyone agrees that they only way to learn economics is to do it.
... 214, 235, 273, 332, 382. 383 firms, 208. 209. 213, 215, 217, 219, 228. 235, 237. 289. 333, 354, 355 first generation. 272, 273, 274, 278, 280 fiscal deficit. 86. 288, 337, 355, 356 fiscal policy. 26. 144. 336. 351. 356. 357 fishing.
(1)三山VS陈村:承接广州资源的新增长点。三山紧挨广州南站,区位优势明显,近年来大力推进交通路网等基础设施建设,已经从最初的小地方变身为广佛竞相投资的热土。目前,佛罗伦萨小镇、丰树国际创智园等30多个重点项目已陆续进驻。三山不仅是广佛同城的重要 ...
★史丹佛大學經濟學課程人氣講師著作★ 經濟學是你一生受用的隨身常識 要懂經濟學,讀這本就夠! 為什麼要懂經濟學?因為你會知道自己賺的是什麼, ...
如果国经济发速的任何上升和回落的波动都为经济周期,经济周期的划分必然杂乱,经济周期时间上的环规律也体现。此,经济周期经济波动的别除了波动是否有周期性,还时间上的续性和波动幅的大小问题。如果相邻年的长上相小,例如在1%~ 2% ,对国经济运行的响不大, ...
A System of International Comparisons of Gross Product and Purchasing Power
David Romer’s Advanced Macroeconomics, 3e is the standard text and the starting point for graduate macro courses and helps lay the groundwork for students to begin doing research in macroeconomics...