本书以居民的福利最大化为研究的出发点, 运用新开放宏观经济学的研究范式, 基于理论和实证分析, 分别从中短期和长期两种视角建立了适合我国的人民币汇率制度选择的"小国模型 ...
Implications of the Asian Currency Crisis and the Debt Crisis of the 1980s
本书在总结货币国际化, 区域化理论与经验的基础上, 运用前沿理论框架与计量分析方法, 全面探讨了人民币区域化的必要性, 可行性及其具体路径与推进措施.
Economic Liberalisation and Caribbean Development: Proceedings of a Panel Discussion
Not so long ago the internet was a new and alien concept. Today, the world would collapse without it. Today, cryptocurrency is a new and little-used concept. Tomorrow, will the world collapse without it?
What Has Government Done to Our Money?
The Case for Gold: Edited by William Rees-Mogg
Den vielfältigen Bemühungen um wirtschafts- und währungspolitische Integration in Europa blieb ein durchgreifender Erfolg bislang versagt.
Of the monetary reform plan -- Introduction -- The purpose of The True Gold Standard -- The properties of gold -- Restoration of the gold dollar -- How we get from here to there -- Conclusion.
Ethics of Money Production