Language, Minds, and Knowledge
This book is the first to explore such questions in the context of modern analytic and linguistic philosophy. In doing so it opens up a new and challenging dimension of inter-disciplinary study.
Necessity and Language
The volume also includes texts of redrafted material by Waismann closely based on the dictations." --Book Jacket.
A philosophical examination and celebration of the human hand.
Winckelmann possessed style , grace and elegance , but connectedness and getting it right were not his virtues . Because his inner life and its outer expression in writing were not connected , he failed to understand the art of his own ...
Necessity, Essence, and Individuation, Cornell University Press, 1989. Sidelle, Alan. “Identity and the Identity-like,” Philosophical Topics, 20, 1992. Sidelle, Alan. “Rigidity, Ontology and Semantic Structure,” Journal of Philosophy, ...
Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature
Exploring the work of artists from across the centuries - from Diego Velázquez to Wesley Kimler, from Sigmar Polke to Lawrence Weiner - Mark Brandl argues that metaphor is the foundation of most visual thought, and that art-as-language is ...