Dewey , Robert , Conrad Hilberry , Lawrence Barrett , and Gail Griffin . Kalamazoo College : A Sesquicentennial Portrait . Kalamazoo , MI : Kalamazoo College , 1982 . Dobson , Raymond . History of the Order of Elks . Rev. ed .
Analyzes Asia's financial meltdown and its impact on the world, tracing the boom-bust cycle of the Asian economies, critiquing the continent's development strategies and speculating on the future of the region
The Americans: The colonial experience. v. 2. The national experience. v. 3. The democratic experience
Years of Poverty, Years of Plenty: The Changing Economic Fortunes of American Workers and Families
Unfortunately , the search turned up a dearth of data ; nearly a dozen years lapsed before I returned to the research agenda . The rekindling of my interest in Indian economies came from Chip Mellor ...
Niskanen , W. 1971. Bureaucracy and Representative Government . New York : Aldine Atherton . Ogura , S. 1990. “ Iryo Zyuyou no Kakaku Danryokusei ni Kansura Yobiteki Dousatsu ” ( Preliminary Study on the Price Elasticity of Medical Care ...
Because a deluxe hotel room normally costs what a lesser room costs in Beijing or Shanghai ( or a far lesser room in ... Two business centers , conference rooms , multilingual staff , fitness facilities , balconies , Rolls Royce fleet ...
「蘋果橘子」系列著作全球銷售超過700萬冊 「全美最有趣的腦袋」李維特和杜伯納回來了! ...
但才国伟和钱金保(2013)认为,贸易引力模型和空间计量模型缺乏严格的理论推导。如同被称为乏理论(atheoretical)模型的时间序列模型一样,贸易引力模型和空间计量模型没有像新经济地理学中坚实的微观理论基础,因此只适用于空间依赖的侦测与获取,而不适用于对 ...