Examining mind-brain interactions in mental states such as anxiety, pain, dreams, depression, love, phobias, and obsessions, the author discusses the complicated way in which the mind interprets the chemical changes in the brain
Increasing Father - Son Communication Kevin and his son Keith sat at opposite ends of the therapy room . Keith had on hip - drop jeans , a baggy T - shirt , scruffy sneakers , no socks , and an eye - shading Red Sox baseball cap .
After reading about the fundamental skills and techniques of counseling in the text, you can access complementary role plays, skill demonstrations, and process stages ... to see the same essential principles in action. -Back cover.
For example, we encounter Paul Lawson, the father of Lulu Lawson, with whom the adult Sylvia now has an affair. He serves as the substitute father figure. Recall again the early stages of My Father's House when Sylvia felt jealous of ...
They may also need to become systemic change agents , intervening in environments that impede the development of Native youth ( Eberhard , 1989 ) . In the school setting , for example , counselors can encourage the revision of curricula ...
在中國人的家庭,普遍喜歡小朋友聽話,尤其是女孩子,安靜、不多言、專心溫書和不「周街走」是優點,是乖的。當家庭從小到大都鼓勵這種行為,很少人會認為很少甚至不社交是件壞事,也不會正視社交恐懼的問題。到中學畢業後,不論繼續升學還是投身社會工作, ...
王女士说:“其实说实话,刚开始幼儿园老师说我家孩子是个捣乱分子时,我心里挺不能接受的。孩子是我从小一手带大的,他是不大喜欢和别的小朋友一块玩,但是,也绝对不会去打人踢人啊。不过,老师一而再再而三地找到我们,还说其他小朋友的家长因为我儿子的事找了 ...
35萬人見證!德國最新腦神經科學療法 透過「神奇十句法」練習 靠自己擺脫焦慮恐慌,效果立竿見影! 「最近視力突然惡化……我是不是快瞎了?」 ...
別再那麼努力把自己弄壞了! 現實世界的確處處皆是絆腳石,人也時時刻刻在犯錯,但小失誤並無妨,反而能讓我們更趨向正常。 20世紀最了不起的心理學家之一――阿德勒 ...