中日历史问题是战后长期影响中日关系发展的重大问题,表现在政治判断、民众感情与学术研究三个不同的但又相互联系的层面上。学术研究层面的责任在于为政治判断与民众感情的正常表达提供准确客观的历史资料和方法。本书目的在于冷静地、实证性地对中日历史问题进行研究,回答这一中日关系发展过程中迫切需要解决的问题。 关于日本的战争赔偿问题,本书介绍了战后初期国际社会围绕战争赔偿问题的新的思路,指出新中国关于放弃对日战争赔偿是在新的历史环境下产生的,需要从国际关系新变化的角度加以理解。 关于靖国神社问题,本书介绍靖国神社战前与战后的演变,分析其问题的核心即靖国神社企图恢复国家管理的战前地位,亦即日本政治家参拜靖国神社的错误所在。提醒人们需要准确把握靖国神社问题的本质。 关于历史教科书问题,本书指出日本历史教科书问题的中心问题是战后围绕战争责任记述的“改善”与“改恶”,指出要与不使用右翼编写的历史教科书的力量一同批判右翼编写的历史教科书,避免发生片面性的判断。
Anderson , F. W. “ Why Did Colonial New Englanders Make Bad Soldiers ? Contractual Principles and Military Conduct during the ... Andre , Louis , Michel le Tellier et l'Organization de l'Armee Monarchique . Paris : Felix Alcan , 1906 .
Holt, F.M., The Mahdist State in the Sudan, Oxford University Press, 1958. Holt, P.M., The Sudan of the Three Niles: The Funj Chronicle, Brill, London, 1999. Holt, P.M., and Daly M.W., A History of the Sudan, Pearson Education Ltd, ...
While the KM literature takes licence with Polanyi, it also seems to ignore Nonaka and Takeuchi's rejection ofthe idea that knowledge can be managed as opposed to created (see also Von Krogh et al. 2000).5 Von Krogh et al.
Woodrow Wilson Center Press.
Robert S. Litwak and Samuel F. Wells ( Cambridge : Ballinger , 1988 ) , pp . 67-71 , 74 . 14 Walt , Origins of Alliances , pp . 225-27 , and the studies cited there . 15 Ibid . , pp .
For example , the earliest classical philosophers , beginning with Plato , studied the role of culture in the governing process . While Plato did not have a conception of nationalism , or of a dynamic polity — including mobility and ...
... in the inspired Japanese press in support of extremist policies , the unconciliatory and bellicose public utterances of Japanese leaders , and the tactics of covert or overt threat which had 150 AMERICAN FRONTIER ACTIVITIES IN ASIA.
... covert , or semiformal — that were extended to the DPRK by Western governments in the kangsong taeguk period , we might well discover that the ratio of such outside assistance to local commercial earnings began to approach the scale ...
1155-57; and see J. Garry Clifford, "President Truman and Peter the Great's Will," Diplomatic History (Fall 1980): pp. 371-86, especially p. 381n38. 33. Polls cited in Walsh, "What the American People Think of Russia," pp.
This is the latest edition of a major work on the history of American foreign policy. The volume reflects the revisionism prevalent in the field but offers balanced accounts.