This edition of this best-selling book--revised, updated, and reorganized with important new material--offers you an easy-to-follow approach to using the often difficult Taguchi methodology for engineering quality control.
This book takes you step by step through the typical process of a design project--from the initial writing of a proposal for engineering services to the final preparation of the "as built" report upon completion of the project.
《产品设计可装配性技术》从产品设计总体出发,针对产品装配中的工艺规划、手工装配、自动装配以及装配中的连接方法等进行了详细的分析;对产品设计中应当考虑的与装配工艺 ...
中国的古代设计(1)夏商周时期的青铜器设计中国夏商周时期的设计以青铜为代表。史学上所称的”青铜时代”就是指夏商周大量使用青铜工具及青铜礼器的时期。青铜,古称金或吉金,是红铜与其他化学元素(锡、铅等)的合金。青铜具有熔点低、硬度高等优点, ...
吴志军、那成爱、刘宗明著的《工业设计概论(全国高等院校艺术设计专业十二五规划教材)》适应当前高等教育教学改革中的模块化和专题化教学,致力于解决设计基础理论教学中知 ...
Introducing a breakthrough approach to managing innovation, productivity, and quality assurance This book describes a systems management approach that successfully integrates the latest systems engineering methodologies with cutting-edge process management...
This book is designed to facilitate a thorough understanding of fundamental principles without requiring readers to memorize an excess of confusing technological details. Rather than...
Appropriate for undergraduate civil and industrial engineering courses concerned with the environment. Concentrating on the preservation and enhancement of the environment, this ecologically conscious text discusses the effects of industrial...
Designers in Action, 1985-1991: Case Studies in Mechanical Engineering Design