Gain a better understanding of the basic principles of gynecology presented in Williams Gynecology, Third Edition with this full-color study guide Directly derived from the content of Williams Gynecology, Third Edition, this authoritative ...
Obstet Gynecol 103:101, 2004 Goldberg AB, Fortin JA, Drey EA, et al: Cervical preparation before dilation and evacuation using adjunctive misoprostol or ...
Casey, 188 Plasmakinetic (PK) Gyrus, 1105 Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) in endometrium, 434t Platelet dysfunction, and abnormal bleeding, 235 Platinum compounds, and radiation therapy, combined, 724 Plexus of Santorini, ...
Williams Gynecology 4e (ie)
BrJ Cancer 94(5):642, 2006 Hampel H, Frankel W, Panescu J, et al: Screening for Lynch syndrome (hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer) among endometrial cancer patients. Cancer Res 66(15):7810, 2006 Havrilesky LJ, Cragun JM, ...
Gain a better understanding of the basic principles of gynecology presented in Williams Gynecology, Third Edition with this full-color study guide Directly derived from the content of Williams Gynecology, Third Edition, this authoritative ...
New features in this edition include a primer on anesthesia, a chapter on positioning for pelvic surgery, a practical review of pediatric gynecology, and a section on the use of surgical instruments.
Clarke-Pearson DL, Jelovsek FR, Creasman WT. Thromboembolism complicating surgery for cervical and uterine malignancy: incidence, risk factors, and prophylaxis. ObstetGynecol 1983;61(1):87–94. Clarke-Pearson DL, DeLong ER, Synan IS, ...
This landmark text begins with fundamental discussions of reproductive anatomy and physiology.
The authors have enhanced this edition with 1,000+ full-color illustrations, plus an increased emphasis on the fast-growing subspecialty of Maternal-Fetal Medicine.