本书是为学习物理学的读者编写的数学基础教材,书中除了用较现代的方法处理经典的数学物理问题外,还引入了很多有较强物理应用意义的现代数学方法和思想,从涵盖的知识面来看 ...
... the work of Alain Aspect and collaborators who checked the correlation between photons in a variety of configurations ( Aspect , Graingier & Roger 1981 ) , ( Aspect , Graingier & Roger 1982b ) , ( Aspect , Dalibard & Roger 1982a ) .
Teaching Computational Physics in a Week: An Attempt / Steven E. Koonin and Karlheinz Langanke -- MATHEMATICA and Physics / Paul C. Abbott -- Introduction to Parallel Programming / William H. Press -- Visiometrics in Computational Fluid ...
MR3545512 [12] John R. Klauder and Bo-Sture Skagerstam (eds.) ... MR2097344 [15] M. Merkli, G. P. Berman, R. T. Sayre, X. Wang, and A. I. Nesterov, Production of Entanglement Entropy by Decoherence, Open Syst. Inf. Dyn. 25 (2018), no.
Prior to this book, mathematicians could find these topics only in physics textbooks and in specialized literature. This book is written in a concise style with careful attention to precise mathematics formulation of methods and results.
Volume 8 Walter E. Thirring : Selected Papers of Walter E. Thirring with Commentaries , 1998 7 Robert Steinberg : Robert ... Part 2 ( Richard E. Block , Nathan Jacobson , J. Marshall Osborn , David J. Saltman , and Daniel Zelinsky ...
Physics: A World View, Numerical
This volume is based on talks given at a conference celebrating Stanislav Molchanov's 65th birthday held in June of 2005 at the Centre de Recherches Mathématiques (Montreal, QC, Canada).
JingShin Physics Symposium in Memory of Professor Wolfgang Kroll: University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, 16-17 August 1996
This book helps readers gain a solid foundation in the many areas of mathematical methods in order to achieve a basic competence in advanced physics, chemistry, and engineering.