An interactive, engaging and exciting exploration of match, from the invention of zero to the geometry of a donut The focus is on making maths accessible and exciting, so each topic has an investigation for young numbersmiths to try at home ...
Featuring fantastic illustrations by James Gulliver Hancock and loads of flaps to lift, this is the ultimate guide to ships for kids!
An interactive text brings the Titanic to life, allowing readers to explore the glory and final resting place of the great ship through flaps, foldouts, and cutaway 3-D models.
本书讲述了从地面壕沟到海上的战队,从陆地上的坦克到空中的飞机,你知道哪两个国家的士兵还曾在战场上共度圣诞节吗.除了打仗,军士们的日常生活又是怎样的呢 ...
这是一套用趣味翻翻的方法来让孩子亲近科学的图画书,每册书中都有50~80片精心设置的嵌入式小翻页! 本套书图文并茂,直观性强,对小朋友开拓视野,积累知识,热爱探索科学有较大帮助 ...
More than five billion people across the world follow a religion. Lift the flaps to discover the many ways people pray, worship and celebrate the major world religions.
-Maths Adventure is the third title in this Flip-Flap Journeys series.Lift up the flaps and practice your math skills on a jam-packed camping adventure.Solve puzzles and answer fun questions about shapes, time, money, measurements, adding, ...