Blurring the boundaries between academic and cultural production, this book produces a new understanding of the world significance of South Asian culture in multi-racist societies. One of the first sustained...
The definitive account of the pop cult capital of the UK by Dave Haslam, one of Manchester's top DJs and journalists. Manchester, a predominantly working-class city, away from the nation's...
The bands, producers, labels and remixers of the diverse dance music culture are listed here in this reference book. Dates, career facts, discographies and star ratings are given, along with...
Expression in Pop-Rock Music is a collection of critical and analytical essays written by today's top scholars on pop and rock music. Applying a wide variety of analytical techniques and...
David Buch's informative volume is the first modern study edition and commentary dealing with almost all of the surviving French five-part scores of dance music from the ballets de cour...
Long before Martin Williams, Gene Lees, or Gunther Schuller, Roger Pryor Dodge was writing seriously about jazz. A ballet, vaudeville, and jazz dancer, Dodge turned his critical attention to the...
This all-inclusive guide to the art of creating dance moves and routines, written by the advisor and former dancer of the Martha Graham School and company, contains 247 projects that...
本书由儿童喜爱的中外名曲中较为经典的100首经典名曲或者片段精编而成,程度简单、风格多样、情感丰富,从古典乐曲到现代乐曲,从民间乐曲到舞曲均有收录。每首曲子都讲述一个美妙的故事,或愉悦、或幸福或充满希望……让孩子在跳动的音符中,走进作曲家的心灵世界;在知识的拓展中,积淀音乐文化的底蕴。 选题名《儿童钢琴名曲学与练(有声版)》。