《海底两万里/世界文学名著》是法国“科幻小说之父”儒勒。凡尔纳(1828一1905)著名的科幻三部曲——《格兰特船长的儿女》《海底两万里》《神秘岛》——的第二部,共2卷47章。故事发生在1866年,当时一头被断定为独角鲸的“海怪”引起了世界范围的恐慌,美国高速二级战舰林肯号奉命进行追捕。法国生物学家阿龙纳斯受邀参与任务,在一次事故中偶然揭开了“海怪”的真面目,并跟随神秘的尼摩船长在海洋深处历险。他们穿过太平洋、印度洋、红海、地中海、大西洋,甚至到了南极和北极,看到了许多令人晾叹的水下奇观,也遭遇了许多意想不到的危险。最终,命运使阿龙纳斯教授得以把他所见的深埋海底的秘密公诸于世。 凡尔纳擅长在科学的基础上展开奇异多姿的想象,如《海底两万里》中既有瑰丽壮美的场景、险象环生的情节、让人欲罢不能的悬疑,又有许多超前的科学构想,而这些当时奇妙无比的构想到了20世纪几乎都成了现实。作为纪念,1954年诞生的核动力潜艇即用《海底两万里/世界文学名著》中的潜艇命名。叫作诺第留斯号(又译鹦鹉螺号)。
Ryan's photograph had been replaced with Justin Timberlake's. "Get in Synch with Justin on Earthly Pleasures," read the caption. “What are you gaping at?
Just like I know Justin Timberlake. I met him once. But I don't know him.” He nodded. “He's in the business. Geez, you people. So now the police are going ...
There was one sexy Maxwell hit after the next, a few Lionel Richie classics, some— thing by India.Arie and Justin Timberlake, and, of course, John Legend.
A few years ago the department hosted a lip-sync challenge to a Justin Timberlake song, and nearly a hundred community members took part in the video.
... Timberlake's cat and how she climbs up the curtains,” Corrie offered. Kyle looked entranced by that idea. Sam had just reached the doorway when Kyle ...
“I'll tell him all about Mrs. Timberlake's cat and how she climbs up the curtains,” Corrie offered. Kyle looked entranced by that idea.
Before Farrah could even agree, Justin Timberlake was blaring at her down the phone. Farrah wasn't sure if she liked the thought of strange organisations ...
Who will triumph in an election fraught with passion, duplicity and unexpected revelations? A big novel about a small town, The Casual Vacancy is J.K. Rowling's first novel for adults. It is the work of a storyteller like no other.
La magia vera c'era stata. ... Se conoscete la canzone Timbaland, Nelly Furtado ft Justine Timberlake capirete la natura del ballo e che il seguito furono ...
Soudain la musique changea, passant sur Can't Stop the Feeling ! de Justin Timberlake. ... C'est la chanson du film Les Trolls, crut-elle bon de préciser.