A self-made millionaire and a social revolutionary are at odds with each other in a novel set against the background of a nineteenth-century New York streetcar strike.
The Adventures of the Chevalier De La Salle and His Companions in Their Explorations of the Prairies, Forests, Lakes and...
"17-year-old Molly Ayer, an orphan in foster care, is sent to help take care of a 91-year-old woman in Maine who is an alumni of the so-called orphan trains, which took orphans from the east coast to families in the farmlands of the Midwest ...
Hout, it will just be to get crane-berries, or whortle-berries, or some such stuff, out of the moss, to make the pies and tarts for the feast on Monday. — I cannot get the words of that cankered auld cripple deil's-buckie out o' my head ...
Holmes succeeds Case at Detroit , or more properly in the Thanies country , and even improves on the numbers returned by his successful predecessor ; a great achievement after such a revival . 59. RYAN , like his friend Case ...
Down to that time , and , in some ways , much later , those who were local in name were largely travelling in practice ; so much so as to be , in many cases , the pioneers in breaking up new ground and forming original societies .
曹雪芹编著的《红楼梦(导读版)》以贾宝玉、林黛玉、薛宝钗之间的恋爱婚姻悲剧为主线,描写了以贾家为代表的四大家族的兴衰,揭示了封建大家庭的各种错综复杂的矛盾,表现 ...
He held a match close to the bowl of Rubin's pipe , cupping the flame . “ Then why do you do it ? " “ It works best for me that way , Allan . I have arthritis . ” He slanted his eyes left at his pupil . “ Do you ?
sense of stopping . Also to blanch , Nor heav'n peep thro ' the blanket of the dark , To cry bold , hold . Kacbeth , i , B. with reference to the blanchers . But Cibber , in his Lives of the Poets BLANK . The white mark in the centre ...
Explanatory notes identify locations, literary references, persons, events, and specialized terminology. The textual essays describe the production and subsequent revisions of the text.