Ben shu jie shi zai xin shang yi shu de yan jiu yu shi jian zhong ji qi wen xian zhong yu dao de zhuan ye shu yu, nei rong...
"The materials and methods of painting, drawing, sculpture, printmaking, ceramics, and art conservation. Illustrated with colorplates, photographs, and drawings"--Cover.
There are entries on schools, styles, and periods, but the chief emphasis of the book is on the materials and methods of the artist.
本書是部系統地以馬里翁為中心梳理當代(1980年以來)現象學新進展的研究性專著。作者試圖表明,馬里翁的 “充溢現象學”不僅可以從今天的視角去統攝幾乎整個當代法國現象學的進展,而且進一步提供了一種新的更有解釋力的關於主體與現象關係問題的解決路徑。此外,它還可以從我思闡釋史的角度,將法國笛卡爾主義傳統也納入現象學運動。
Ben shu zhu yao nei rong bao kuo:zhong guo hui hua yi shu jian shang;Zhong guo diao su yi shu jian shang;Zhong guo gong yi mei shu jian shang;Zhong guo...
The book's coverage includes all forms of easel and mural paintings, drawing, sculpture, the graphic arts, ceramics, mosaics, gilding and enamelling as well as related fields such as conservation and paint technology.
本书从中国山水画与欧洲风景画的本质不同出发, 对中国山水画与欧洲风景画从基本技法与功能, 观念与范畴等做了详尽的比较, 阐述了两者的不同和各自的特点.
本书是一部学术著作, 主要讲“气韵”这一词语在人论、画论、文论中复杂而又漫长的演变过程.
本词典收词四千余条, 分文学和艺术两大部分.包括各学科的基本名词术语, 主要流派, 创作集团或演出团体, 作品赏析.