Wastewater Treatment and Separation Methods
(5)赵超:《新加坡产业发展及其对我国的启示》,《开发研究》2010年第4期。(6)STEPHEN EZELL,“Revitalizing U.S.Manufacturing”,Forum of Information Technology and Innovation Foundation,http://www2.itif.org/2012-pa-manufacturing-brief.pdf, ...
Ray , U . , I . Artaki , D . W . Finley , G . M . Wenger , T . Pan , H . D . Blair , J . M . Nicholson , and P . T ... Mei , Z . , F . Hua , and J . Glazer , " Sn - Bi - X Solders , " SMTA International , San Jose , CA , September 13 ...
[ 38 ] Burnham , R. , Jr. Burnham's Celestial Handbook , vols . 1-3 . New York : Dover , 1978 . [ 39 ] Green , R. Spherical Astronomy . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1985 . [ 40 ] Kennel , J. , S. Havstad , and D. Hood .
* Offers detailed description of process chemistry and thermodynamics and product by-product specifications of plants * Contributors are drawn from the largest petroleum producers in the world, including Chevron, Mobil, Shell, Exxon, UOP, ...
A comprehensive, best-selling introduction to the basics of engineering thermodynamics. Requiring only college-level physics and calculus, this popular book includes a realistic art program to give more realism to engineering...
Presents a comprehensive and rigorous treatment of the subject from the classical perspective to offer a problem-solving methodology that encourages systematic thinking. Noted for its treatment of the second law,...
This introductory text emphasizes the physical concepts of fluid mechanics and methods of analysis, beginning from first principles. In helping readers develop a more orderly approach to problem solving, the...
A balanced introduction to tomorrow's energy sources Over the course of the next fifty years, there will be a shift in the quest for sustainble energy, including a...
Aircraft Conceptual Design Synthesis means design by fitness-for-purpose. Design engineers can jump off from the point of given parameters and requirements – required performance, payloads and other factors. This is...