A detailed and comprehensive guide. Freshwater and saltwater fishkeeping are challenging and tremendously rewarding hobbies. Aquariums is a big book that covers every aspect a fishkeeper needs...
A comprehensive guide to creating a reef environment in the home aquarium. Designed with the beginning hobbyist in mind, this richly illustrated reference introduces the hobby of marine...
Ecology of the Planted Aquarium: A Practical Manual and Scientific Treatise for the Home Aquarist
Although African catfishes are not as diverse taxonomically as those of the Amazon, they include unique groups such as the Mochokidae, in which there are more than 100 species, and...
Identifies and lists the care requirements of the most popular varieties of freshwater aquarium fishes.
Cichlids from West Africa: A Handbook for Their Identification, Care, and Breeding
This important publication has been completely revised and expanded by 29 authors from the UK and USA for an international readership. It is extensively illustrated and intentionally practical with a...
Marine Aquarium Guide