Drug Information Handbook
Drugs for Pregnant and Lactating Women, 2nd Edition, by Carl P. Weiner, MD, MBA, FACOG, and Catalin Buhimschi, MD, is a must-have reference that details how virtually all of today's...
Selected medications described for the non-medical reader. Intended to reflect current medical knowledge and standard medical practice in the United States. Arrangement is by sections on general information, major drug...
Now in its Fifth Edition, this compact, portable and easy-to-use pocket guide provides reference to dosage calculations and drug administration. Using a step-by-step approach, frequent examples are provided to illustrate...
This reference volume addresses distinct pharmaceutical care issues for all paediatric age ranges, from neonatal to adolescent. This third edition of the text includes two new chapters covering: paediatric pharmocokinetics...
This handbook, which in its early lustrous years served physicians, pharmacists, and pharmacy students, is unlike any other drug reference book in that it allows readers to compare and contrast...
Although the pharmaceutical industry says that prescription medicines are as safe as they can possibly be, prescribed drugs kill more people each year than automobile and airplane crashes combined and...
This handy, one-of-a-kind reference offers authoritative, open-minded advice for virtually every alternative therapy. It explains how to incorporate alternative therapies into nursing practice, providing step-by-step procedure instructions. Contents include contributors...
As a new century approaches, better living through pharmacology has become a way of life. Approximately two thirds of all physician visits result in a drug prescription. In 1996 alone,...
藥,你吃對了嗎?吃藥可是一門大學問!生活中難免病痛,知藥懂藥,才能真正從用藥中獲得最大效益。 吃藥沒效?這些細節要注意!藥物需要多少水量配服?飯前還是飯後服用?含服還是吞服?漏吃了怎麼補服?哪些藥物的藥性會相剋?即使醫師開對藥,吃錯方法也會使藥效大打折扣,所以務必遵循醫師與藥師指示用藥。 多重用藥,分開服用好麻煩,可以一起吃嗎?藥物之間若產生相互作用,輕者抵銷原有藥效,重者可能導致藥物中毒,不可不慎!多重用藥的患者,可詳列正在服用的藥物清單,請藥師依醫囑重整並鑑別藥物的相互作用,以安排用藥的先後次序。 忘記吃藥了!我該怎麼辦?若在兩次用藥間隔時間的一半內,應立即按量補服,下次仍照原時間服藥。若時間已超過一半,則不必補服,下次按原時間用藥。若仍欲立即補服,則下次服藥時間順延,但不可加大劑量,以免中毒。原則就是盡可能使血藥濃度差異降到最低,恢復平均水準。本書特色比醫師更熟悉藥物的,只有藥師!你想知道的用藥大小事,就讓專業藥師來解答★同樣的用藥,上次用有效,這次為何不見好?★中西藥同服為什麼可能中毒?★大量喝水會降低藥效?★不同科別開的藥能不能一起吃?★媽咪寶寶用藥,西藥還是中藥安全?這樣用藥最安心★忌服來路不明或標示不清的藥物、藥酒、保健品,以免造成不可逆傷害。★盡量由同醫院或同醫師開立藥品,多重用藥一定要告知。★未經醫師或藥師指示,切勿擅自加藥或停藥。★服藥前務必仔細閱讀仿單,服藥後如有不適,請及時停藥並就醫。★用藥疑義可諮詢合格醫療院所藥事人員,由其提供整合及指導服務。