本书共九章。主要内容包括基本理论与国内外研究概况、全球气候变化与广东省气候特征、人类活动与经济社会发展趋势、表生地质环境条件与地质灾害、灾害矿物学的方法与实践、 ...
Summary of winter , or winter - related , floods of Ophir Creek , Washoe County , Nevada [ This summary does not include all historical winter - related floods of Ophir Creek , but only those for which specific data are available ...
Identifies and establishes a roadmap for doing better in the future. Lays the groundwork for transforming how this Nation - from every level of government to the private sector to...
NOTE: NO FURTHER DISCOUNT FOR THIS PRINT PRODUCT--OVERSTOCK SALE -- Significantly reduced list price while supplies last Supplementary report to the final Hurricane Katrina Federal response report, A Failure...
Edited by the cultural director of MoveOn.org, It Takes a Nation tells the extraordinary story of how thousands of Americans came together to provide shelter, sustenance, and hope to survivors...
Gray Water Use in the Landscape: How to Help Your Landscape Prosper with Recycled Water
NOTE: NO FURTHER DICOUNT FOR THIS ITEM- OVERSTOCK SALE- Significantly reduced price The Pacific Tsunami Warning System, commonly referred to as the PTWS, has come far in the last five...
Coastal Hazards from Amelia Island to Key West David M. Bush, William J. Neal, Norma J. Longo, Kenyon C. Lindeman, Deborah F. Pilkey, Luciana Slomp Esteves, ... Living with the Alabama - Mississippi Shore Wayne F. Canis et al .
《视觉天下·百科知识丛书:愤怒的地球》以精炼的篇幅、准确的文字,从真实的角度向广大青少年阐述了灾难的起源、发展以及危害过程。 《视觉天下·百科知识丛书:愤怒的地球》运用了简单易懂,生动详细的科普知识,同时还配有多付灾难发生时的现场图片加以描述、记录,帮助广大青少年读者更好地认识,了解自然灾难带来的伤痛,并以期给世人留下警策。