配种怀孕舍每周至少消毒一次 (1:300卫康喷雾消毒);分娩保育舍空栏1周再转入临产母猪,每周至少消毒2次(2.0%过氧乙酸熏蒸消毒)。 5)饮水系统消毒。消毒前先彻底清理干净饮水系统,再用卫康1:500稀释液浸泡至少24h,排空,用清水清洗。 6)污水和粪便的消毒。
发病猪场有病例发生时,可在每吨饲料中添加“加康”400g和阿莫西林150g,连用7~14d,效果明显,不仅可防治链球菌病,而且对其他细菌感染所引起的肺炎以及猪痢疾、回肠 炎均有较好的疗效。(6)治疗:将病猪及时隔离并进行治疗。对关节炎幼猪可用头孢噻呋或 ...
阿司匹林(乙酰水杨酸)【性状】本品为白色结晶性粉末,味微酸;遇湿气即缓缓水解为醋酸和水杨酸。难溶于水,易溶于乙醇。【适应证】本品主要用于治疗发热,风湿症,神经、肌肉、关节疼痛,软组织炎症和痛风病等。本品解热、镇痛效果显著,消炎、抗风湿作用强, ...
The Biology and Medicine of Rabbits and Rodents
This publication provides an update on the current status of gene maps in different livestock and pet/companion animal species. The findings summarized in species specific commentaries and original articles testify...
This textbook concentrates mainly on the science involved in the raising of production animals, rather than the art of animal husbandry, which must involve thousands of hours of working directly...
Teeth; Mouth, pharynx, larynx, and cranial nerves V (maxillary, mandibular), X, and XI; Salivary glands and lymph nodes of head and cranial nerves, VII, VIII, IX, and XII; Eye, nasal...
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Gastroenterology
Atlante di radiologia clinica veterinaria