Virginia Woolf had a lively sense of place and delighted in `lighting accidentally. . . upon scenes which would have gone on, have always gone on, will go on, unrecorded, save for this chance glimpse.
First published under title: The question of things happening : the letters of Virginia Woolf, vol. II: 1912-1922.
Now in her forties and in love, Woolf writes two of her greatest novels during this period.
Elizabeth Gaskell: A Portrait in Letters
This collection of H.G. Wells's correspondence draws on over 50 archives and libraries worldwide.
Pearson, Ann, see Garner, Ann Pearson, Christiana, see Evans, Christiana Pearson, Elizabeth, see Johnson, Elizabeth Pearson, Isaac [GE's grandfather], 1 1 Pearson, Mary, see Evarard, Mary Pearson sisters [GE's aunts], 12, 16, 24, 28, ...
A full and revealing biography of one of the century’s greatest English writers and an icon to a generation. Dame Iris Murdoch has played a major role in English life and letter for nearly half a century.
Volume Three of a two-volume work that reproduces around 700 key letters (out of 2000 known to be in existence) written by Wilkie Collins, the 19th-century novelist.
A compact and comprehensive introduction to the life and works of Beatrix Potter, the world-famous creator of Peter Rabbit.
A scholarly edition of the letters of Anthony Trollope. The edition presents an authoritative text, together with an introduction, commentary notes, and scholarly apparatus.