A book to read when it's time to go to sleep, with texts from classic lullabies to help children slip gently to sleep. Die-cut holes in the book take the place of the moon.
Chinese translation of the first Harry Potter book.
Dolphins at Daybreak begins the third set of four books in this magical (and increasingly popular) series! Jack and Annie are off in the Magic Tree House again, this time to a whole new world under the ocean.
ASL edition. Children are able to communicate by signing before they develop the skills necessary for speech. By teaching sign language to children from as young as seven months we...
16面金牌、80萬冊銷售最了解幼兒成長心理的幽默圖像大師每個家庭都要有的‧賴馬 歡迎你來到這個世界 圖畫書天王賴馬給小小孩子的第一本祝福歡迎書 獻給初來乍到的你 和 幸福的爸媽 最棒的禮物,最真實的美好與幸福 什麼是你心目中最棒的禮物呢? 天使鎮發生了一件甜蜜蜜的大事, 大家帶著各式各樣的禮物去祝賀。 有長長的、圓圓的,還有香香的。 但是,任何禮物都比不上……… 一本兼具找一找、數數看、認識數字、動物, 充滿翻頁趣味的祝福書, 讓孩子在幸福滿溢的情節裡,感受濃濃的人情味, 獲得滿滿的遊戲趣味和驚喜!書籍重點 ★繪本天王賴馬以自身的育兒經驗,獻給低幼孩子第一份生日祝福禮。 ★透過溫馨的故事情節,讓小小孩玩顏色捉迷藏、認識各種動物、數字1-9(10的合數)、形容詞、問候語,大孩子還可探究不同的花語喔。 ★本書特別為孩子設計充滿驚喜的翻頁,前翻後翻樂趣無窮! ★作者擅長塑造各具特色的動物角色,本書圖像豐富並隱藏無數細節,讓孩子一邊讀故事、一邊「玩」圖畫,找一找數字藏在哪裡?作者一家也藏身在圖畫裡喔,快去找一找! ★隨書附贈超值版故事CD,內含中英語劇場故事,以及英文腳本手冊。
Dragons! Pirates! Forest trolls! Jonathan's walk in the woods requires courage and daring to battle the forces of his own imagination. Rachel's walk in the woods is filled with the...
"When Satomi Ichikawa decided she would like to illustrate books for children, she visited a bookstore in London and copied down the names and addresses of publishers. She then simply...
It's a long way to a million, right? Of course it is. But do you really know what a million looks like? If you'd like to...
A mommy and a daddy were longing for a child to take care of and to love. One day they learned that a little girl called Tu Thi had been...
Bob and his crew are decorating the yard and getting ready to celebrate Christmas Eve. But when a snowstorm hits, Bob and the team have to dig Farmer Pickles out...
An illustrated alphabet rhyme that includes the animals from alligator to zebra.