James F. Larson offers original documentary data to the case of Korea, and supports his analysis with interviews with Korean leaders from government, industry, research institutes, and academia.
For discussions of communications satellites , see Gary D. Morgan and Walter L. Morgan , Principles of Communication Satellites ( New York , NY : Wiley , 1993 ) ; James Wood , Satellite Communications Pocket Book ( Boston , MA : Newnes ...
Office of the Press Secretary, White House, 2000, The Clinton-Gore administration: from digital divide to digital opportunity, White House, Washington DC, available at . 18.
Dunkin' Donuts, 8 on Twitter, 205 eBags (case study), 129–130, 134–140 eBay, 9 StumbleUpon, 29 wiki, 26, 168 Edelman, 31 Edwards,John, 35 Eileen Fisher, 260–261 email marketing, 140–145 embracing, 69, 179–194 Crédit Mutuel (case study), ...
In this document, Lord Puttnam highlights and analyses the exponential growth of information/communication technology and the critical partnership of education in ensuring its growth is both successful and sustainable.
本书介绍电子社区家庭用户所必需的Internet基础知识和操作技术,包括从拨号连接到宽带接入、走进万维世界、结交世界网友、展望数字化生活美景 ...
中国网络社群政治参与: 政治传播学的视角
你在看誰的部落格?: 業餘者教派,正在改寫我們的未來
本书作者对互联网弊端进行了反思, 并以发生在世界各地(包括中国)的网络群体事件为线索, 思索大暴露, 大展览时代, 现代人应该如何美好地生活.在本书中, 作者并不反对科技进步, ...
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