本书展现了古希腊罗马时期,一群杰出人物史诗般的生命轨迹,内容包括:斯巴达的勇士:莱库古斯,雅典的智者:梭伦,正义之人:亚里士泰德,雅典的救星:地米斯托克利,海军元帅:西蒙 ...
《麦格希中英双语阅读文库·成长励志系列:影响世界的名人故事(第3辑)》撷取了世界著名人物的生平事迹,他们来自政治、经济、文化、艺术和体育等各个领域,如美国文学之父 ...
《麦格希中英双语阅读文库·成长励志系列:影响世界的名人故事(第1辑)》撷取了世界著名人物的生平事迹,他们来自政治、经济、文化、艺术和体育等各个领域,既有如雷贯耳的 ...
透过名人看世界,每个孩子都有属于自己的英雄,中外名人全方位展示,手绘名人故事趣味解读,人生课堂、成长之路、生活感悟……多板块内容延伸,著名诗人、儿童文学家徐鲁倾 ...
American Civil Rights: Primary sources
Index to Collective Biographies for Young Readers: Elementary and Junior High School Level
Although Frederick Douglass is best known for the first volume of his autobiography, there has never before been a collection of his inspiring speeches and editorials. Noted historian Milton Meltzer...
Paul Revere is commonly remembered in the Longfellow legend of his Midnight Ride before the 1775 Battles of Lexington and Concord. In this bright, informative biography, Giblin follows Revere's life...
He was a pale, skinny boy with thick glasses, but Norman Perceval Rockwell knew that he could draw. Beverly Gherman shows us how this awkward boy grew up to...