�_到__法,人_一般_想到 “有___的法”,_种望文生_恰好解_了__法的最 初含_。__是西__家_是中_大_,“__法”一_最初都是_
Murphy v . F.D.I.C. , 208 F.3d 959 ( 11th Cir . 2000 ) , cert . granted sub nom . Murphy v . Beck , 530 U.S. 1306 , 121 S.Ct. 30 , cert . dismissed , 531 U.S. 1107 , 121 S.Ct. 849 ( 2001 ) ; Federal Sav . and Loan Ins . Corp. v .
A catalogue and summary of all laws specifically governing the operations of national banks, encompassing OCC, Federal Reserve, FDIC, and SEC regulations and the 1996 changes to the OCC Interpretive...
Arbitration in Banking: State of the Art
In this authoritative book, a leading Chinese expert on financial and economic law thoroughly explains the functions, activities and procedures that characterize the behaviour of financial institutions under current Chinese...
Regulation of Foreign Banks: United States and International
�_____格__是__人__入____、_事__工作的一种法定__, 是_入____的“__”。“__法_与____道德”是取得_____格__ 的必考科目之一。本教材依据2014年4月_政部修_的_____格考_大_ 及有_法律法_,_合中__校____“__法_与____道德”_程教_的 需要而__,体_了“以就___向,以考__目_”的指_思想。通__本教材的 __,_生不但可以提升__素_、____道德修_和就_能力,而且可以_考 取_____格__打下良好的基_。
Anyone with financial responsibility for a company needs to understand his or her liability, how to protect against wrongdoing, and how to proceed when implicated. Companies are required to file...
edited by Marcia L. MacHarg Partner, Debevoise & Plimpton, Washington, DC, USA Roberta R.W. Kameda Associate, Debevoise & Plimpton, Washington, DC, USA
This book offers a skilled arms-length evaluation, from a legal perspective, of the main criticisms that have been leveled recently at the key global economic organizations - that is, the...