Cicero in Twenty-eight Volumes
SHANKMAN , A. Aristotle's De insomniis . A Commentary . ISBN 90 04 09476 8 56. MANSFELD , J. Heresiography in Context . Hippolytos ' Elenchos as a Source for Greek Philosophy . 1992. ISBN 90 04 09616 7 57.
Bruce and Taeko Brooks have returned this wide-ranging text to its full historical and intellectual setting, organizing the sayings in their original chronological sequence, and permitting the Analects to be read for maximum understanding, ...
It is accompanied by an introduction and a translation of one of Zeami's most celebrated No plays, 'Atsumori'. This is a new translation of 'Fushikaden', the fifteenth-century classic text by Zeami, founder of the No theatre.
作者以西方形而上学为参照, 从新的角度对郭象庄子注的哲学思想进行了系统的诠释, 提出了不同于传统诠释, 或者说是超出传统诠释的看法.
Much technical assistance , finally , has been provided at different points in the book's gestation , from Rachel Aucott , Regine May , and Andrew Kirk . We are extremely grateful for all this assistance and have done our best to ensure ...
本书是安徽师范大学诗学研究中心“中国诗学研究专刊”之一种,以柳宗元眼中的儒、佛、道及其关系为对象,分析柳宗元对儒家之“道”与“统”内涵的独特理解,对禅宗、天台宗 ...