本书以丰富精美的插图和故事相结合, 书中配有精美图片, 让孩子有真实的视觉感受, 贴近孩子的生活, 孩子更容易理解.每本封底明确列出该书的核心句型, 全书围绕该句型展开, 平均每1本讲解一个句型, 学习目标明确.通过句型带动词汇的学习与拓展, 囊括颜色,动物,五官,水果蔬菜,食物饮料,室内室外物品,交通工具,职业等类型词汇.
Simple text introduces the activities of various animals.
Simple text introduces the activities of various animals.
This book explores how the ancient relationship between man and nature has been broken in the modern consumer age, with the animals that used to be at the centre of our existence now marginalized and reduced to spectacle.
The art reflects the world as viewed by the animals, along with the text explaining some science behind each animal's unique type of vision.
Look, look! Children run, fish swim, stars shine . . . all for baby's eyes to see. This sturdy board book, full of high-contrast black-and-white cut-paper art perfect for staring at, is just the thing for the eyes of the youngest babies.
The lives of a single woman and her coupled friends "illustrate the gulf between those assured of love and those condemned to yearn for it."
Let's look at animals! With beautiful artwork from best-selling author and illustrator Marion Deuchars, this book is the perfect introduction to animals.
Examines unusual animal facial features and how they help the animals survive.
Explains how different animals obtain their food, protect themselves, court a mate, care for their eggs and their young, and live together. Includes profiles of animal behaviorists and research methods they have used.
An introduction to farm animals includes cows, chickens, sheep, and horses, with simple text and color photographs.