?《愛的教育》(Cuore) 《愛的教育》採用日記的形式,透過一個小男孩的視角,從10月份四年級開學的第一天開始,一直到第二年7月份,共講述了100個與孩子有關的故事;主要內容由三部分構成:主角的日記,他的父母寫給他的勸誡、啟發性文章,十則老師在課堂上宣讀的精彩「每月故事」。每個故事、每篇日記,都把「愛」表現得精髓深入、淋漓盡致,大至國家、社會、民族的大愛,小至父母、師長、朋友間的小愛,每一種愛都不是驚天動地的,但卻感人肺腑。日記所反映的真實的愛、熱切的情感,無不讓人熱淚盈眶。 ?義大利著名作家、民族復興運動時期的愛國志士,埃得蒙多·德·亞米契斯 亞米契斯創作了許多反映教育和愛的作品,如《一個教師的故事》、《學校與家庭之間》、《朋友們》和《在海洋上》等。1886年,亞米契斯發表了《愛的教育》,該書為他贏得了世界聲譽,使他的創作生涯達到頂峰。 在亞米契斯的眾多作品中,《愛的教育》被認為是他最重要的代表作,是其最廣為人知的作品,也是世界經典兒童文學名著之一。該書被認為是義大利人必讀的十本小說之一,同時被公認為最富愛心和教育性的讀物,受到許多青少年和家長讀者的喜愛,對全世界億萬青少年的成長產生了深遠影響。該書自出版以來,一直暢銷不衰,並且曾多次被改編為動畫片、電影、連環畫,讀者遍布全世界。
《爱的教育》一书通过一个小学四年级学生——安利柯的日记,记载了他从开学的 10 月到第二年的 7 月,整整 10 ...
This Is A New Release Of The Original 1922 Edition.
The book is often highly emotional, even sentimental, but gives a vivid picture of urban Italian life at that time. A master, introducing a new pupil, tells the class, "Remember well what I am going to say.
Representing the Huckleberry Finn of Italy, this is the most read classic in the country. Presented in the form of a diary, its subject is a young boy's life in...
The Heart of a Boy
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations.
This novel by this Italian writer shows how the school was in Italy in the 19th century and addresses honesty and behaviors.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations.